Adult Ministries

Our ministries cover every age and stage of life! Whether you're married, single, in your 20s, over 55, or somewhere in between, there is a ministry we would love to plug you into!

Sunday Adult Growth Classes

Beginning Sunday, July 9, we will be launching a 12 week course called "Pain to Purpose".  This class will meet each Sunday at 9:30 in room 230 through the end of September.  It is no secret that pain is part of life.  As we go through life each of us experience a unique set of circumstances which can lead to some tough seasons, significant losses, and even life shaping trauma.  The blessing of being a believer in Jesus is that we know that we are not alone in this experience.  Jesus not only promises to never leave us nor forsake us but, also that He is on a mission to bind up the broken hearted and proclaim liberty to the captives.

No matter what life may throw at you, God does not waste an ounce of your pain, and we believe that Jesus wants to help you discover purpose in the midst of itl

Feel free to check out a class even if you are unable to regularly attend. It's a great way to connect with other people in our church!  To stay up to date on all of the happenings concerning our Adult Growth Classes, please download the Greensburg Alliance Church app and enable push notifications for Adult Growth Classes.

Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry exists to become a movement of men, growing in intimacy with God and living a Great Commission lifestyle. We study God's Word, we encourage one another through prayer and fellowship and we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with other men.

Various Men's Events are held throughout the year: from Wings and Karts to our Men's Cookout there's always something happening.

Men's Breakfast Connection meets on the last Saturday of the month in the Nook from 8:00-9:00am.  Men 18 and older come together for coffee, donuts, and a short devotional and discussion.  

Women's Ministry

Moms 24/7 exists to enrich, equip, and encourage Moms to love God and their families.  It is a ministry for moms of ALL ages with children of ALL ages.  Whether you are a first time mom or you have grandchildren, Moms 24/7 is for you.  Not only is it an opportunity for you to be refreshed and encouraged, but also a chance for you to refresh and encourage other moms.  So get connected to a powerful support system of dedicated mothers. Moms 24/7 meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 9:30-11:30 AM, September through May. Childcare is provided at all of our meetings.

Mom's Night Out

Throughout the year we take the opportunity to go out-just moms.  Sometimes we go to a restaurant and sometimes we go hangout somewhere.  Check the newsletter for upcoming dates.

Women's Connection

Women's Connection Events are held throughout the year and provide an opportunity to get to know other women and strengthen our relationship with God.


Nights of Prayer

Each quarter we gather for an exciting time spent in God's presence seeking His will and aligning our hearts with His. These interactive evenings devoted to prayer involve programming for both adults and children.

Life Groups

Life Groups – A Place for You!


A Life Groups is a group of people who meet on a regular basis to share life together and grow in their faith.  They can cover a variety of topics and meet in homes, the church, or even a coffee shop.  Life Groups are where real community and lasting life changes happen.  We're excited to be re-launching Life Groups this September.