What You Can Expect .....
When you arrive at Greensburg Alliance Church, you will be greeted inside by a member of our Welcome Team. They are there for You! If you have questions, you can ask them, or they can direct you to a member of our staff. We offer coffee and tea in our Nook area, a gathering area with tables a chairs for fellowship. Our services begin at 9:30 and 11:00 AM, and with a 30 minute break between services it's a perfect time to connect with other members of our church. We have a full Children's Ministry that runs birth through 5th grade. The check-in for Children's Ministry is in the Fellowship Hall. Also, we offer Growth Group Classes on Sunday morning during both the 9:30 and 11:00 AM Service. We have a classes for 6th-12th grade that meet at 11:00 AM in our Youth Room located off the Fellowship Hall.