Prayer: Our Primary Work

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication

with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, 

which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)

Complete the form below to submit a prayer request.  Please note:  all prayer requests will be approved before appearing on this page.

Prayer is the primary work of God's people.

We believe that nothing of lasting value can be done unless it is bathed in prayer.  We also believe that we serve a God Who is able, and Who listens to our prayers.  Whether for yourself, or for someone else, we invite you to post your requests so that together we might lift them up to our Mighty God.

If you prayed for any request on this page, please click the "I Prayed For This" button.  An email will be sent to the person who posted the prayer to let them know that someone prayed for them! 


Asking for prayers for protection from enemies, demonic attacks, hoping my sister can be in good health, strength to keep going, peace, a safe home, and healing for my eyes and body. I have been sick and feeling discouraged. Thank you praying.


Please pray for Lisa Long/Shaffer for financial needs for she's having trouble with her bank.


Pray for my sister Joan. Going through back problems. Had surgery on it. Much pain. Sophia at work. Having health issues. Something to do with vertigo. Myself with digestive system. Stress, dealing with heating trailer up. Using money wisely. Everyone to be safe this Christmas.


Ha-Young, Ye-Young, Eui-Sup, Jung-Won, In-Sook, and Eun-Tae, please pray for us and for all those who pray for us. Most people, after reflecting on what has happened in their lives, often use their own logic and focus on what they are satisfied with, saying that "God did this for me" or "this was God's will." I don’t deny these things, but the Bible teaches that before God acts according to His will, He first speaks to those He has chosen and loves. In John 14:29, Jesus tells His disciples that He speaks to them beforehand so that when things happen, they might believe. The Bible also clarifies that faith is not for everyone, and it is something we can only receive if God grants it to us. In Ezekiel 36, it says that God removes our stony hearts "from our flesh" before giving us a new spirit. He gives us a new heart and His Spirit so that we may live according to His commandments. Jesus also said, "My words are spirit, and he who keeps My commandments, he who loves Me, will be loved by Me, and I will manifest Myself to him." And His commandment is this: "Love one another." In conclusion, believing in Him and obeying His commandments depends entirely on God. He speaks to those He loves before things happen, and all blessings come from Him to those who ask. Pray that God will grant us the following: "Take our stony hearts from us and speak to us directly with Your own mouth; bring to pass all that You have decreed in our lives, so that we may see what You have done and believe what You said from the beginning; and help us all to keep Your commandments and make our dwelling with You."


Please pray that the good people save the cats living at the Felida charity. It is being closed down due to changing laws and the cats will be taken to a shelter where they will be quickly euthanized. Please pray that the cats find safe homes. Thank you