Greensburg Alliance Youth

6th-12th Grade

At Greensburg Alliance Church we are passionate about Jesus and we want to see every teenager we encounter become transformed by a personal relationship with Him.  We take the Bible seriously and believe that it has the power to transform lives when it is properly understood and faithfully applied.  Our goal is to see teens graduate  from youth group with a healthy foundation for their faith that includes both an understanding of God’s Word and a reservoir of transformational experiences with Jesus.  Our hope is that they will have also develop friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.

Click HERE for our 2025 WINTER/SPRING Schedule

Click HERE for our Pepperoni Roll Fundraising Packet

Click HERE for our PARENT'S GUIDE Handout

Click HERE for our FEBRUARY Monthly Handout

Click HERE for our LIFE 2025 Information Packet

Click HERE for our Medical Release form

Thursday Nights @ The Well

Our Thursday night youth group meeting for 6th-12th grade is

called "The Well" because in ancient times wells were an important part of a community’s survival. Wells served two purposes to those who relied on them. They faithfully refreshed with life sustaining water and they also served as an important hub of socialization for the community. 

Our goal is that "Thursday Nights @ The Well" will be both a source of refreshing encouragement from God’s word and an important place to build healthy relationships. The atmosphere is laid back and includes fellowship with other students and leaders, games, and a message that challenges students to move forward in their walks with Christ. 

Sunday Morning

Our teens are a big part of our church community.   On any given Sunday you will see them serving throughout the church and attending our services but we also offer a great time of weekly instruction.

During the 9:30am service our teens are encouraged to attend Sunday School in the youth Sunday School classroom off of the fellowship hall.  JH and SH classes are combined at this time.  During the 11:00am service we would love to see the majority of our youth ministry students attend the service in the sanctuary or serve in one of the various ministries that our church has to offer.


Throughout the year we have numerous outings and events that range from fun and relationship building, to events that challenge students to step out of their comfort zones and grow in their faith. 

In general, there is at least one event a month and a major trip in the summer.  Information on these events will be announced at Youth Group and in Sunday School, published in the church newsletter, and posted on the church calendar.  

Ways to keep up with whats happening:

Download the Greensburg Alliance Church App and turn on the "Youth" notifications in settings

Sign-up for the youth texting service at Youth Group or by emailing your information (Name and Number)  to

Announcements/handouts at Youth Group and Sunday    

Keep an eye on the church newsletter and bulletins

See the posters and sign-up sheets in the Youth Room



The protection and safety of our youth is extremely important at Greensburg Alliance Church.

To assist us with the physical safety of our students, we ask that parents and legal guardians complete the medical release/insurance form found below for each student. These forms enable us to quickly respond to medical emergencies that may arise while on trips or events. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to contact Pastor Rigel with any changes on the form (insurance, addresses, medical conditions, cell phone numbers, etc.).

All of our leaders have gone through a screening process that includes a ministry application, PA police and child abuse clearance checks, and have been attending Greensburg Alliance Church at least 6 months before being allowed to work with teens.

Click HERE for the Youth Medical Release Form

Student Ministry Contact

Church Office 724.837.1122


Youth Group: Thursdays 6:30-8:15 PM

Youth Sunday School: Sundays 11:00 AM